Product updates

Expenses & purchases dashboard

New feature June 19, 2024

The newly designed Expenses & Purchases dashboard, a significant upgrade that replaces the former purchases summary report, is now live! This new feature offers a richer, more dynamic analysis of your business expenditures over specified periods.

Key Features:

  • Detailed Expense breakdown: Access a granular view of your expenses, categorized by year, month, week, or day. Gain deeper insights by filtering through secondary dimensions such as supplier or custom tracking categories.
  • Performance comparison: Easily compare current expenses against previous periods to quickly identify trends and manage your business’s financial health.
  • Top Expense categories: Quickly identify your major expense areas, including the most significant suppliers and categories, enabling you to focus on cost-saving opportunities.

Expenses & purchases dashboard in Elorus

This upgrade brings you an improved, user-friendly experience that will empower you to make informed decisions about your business finances. Dive into your new dashboard today and start exploring the detailed insights it has to offer!

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